If you’re considering online therapy and feeling overwhelmed with starting out, don’t worry, it has been all of us at different points in time.
Starting therapy isn’t easy anyway, and to add to that the stress of creating a safe space online. As a Mental Health Professional, I have been asked multiple times about the efficacy of online therapy, as against traditional face-to-face therapy, but that is a question for another time.
Here is your quick guide for prepping for the first session (from a therapist)!
1. Find a private and distraction free space. It could be from the comfort of your room, your balcony, or any space that feels safe. There are multiple accounts of client's seeking therapy from cars (not in motion), a friend's room (while they are away), so anything that feels safe works!
2. Ensure the room is well-lit (if it’s a video session) and your tele-therapist can see you, catch any nonverbal cues. In traditional therapy, it is easy to figure out the incongruence between your words and expressions, to ensure that your tele-therapist does not miss out on these micro-cues, make sure you are as visible and clear as possible.
3. Not just for the first session, but each session: Please ensure the Internet is good, the device is charged, and the platform is compatible with your device. Any break in 'flow' may impact the conversation and eventually the outcomes of therapy.
4. Having water is an essential as there will be quite some talking. It is talk therapy after all, but since you are in the comfort of your homes, having a cup of tea/coffee isn’t rare.
5. Tissues or a handkerchief for an emotional moment, always come in handy. Although, most therapists will give you some time to 'let-it-out' and take a small break in between sessions.
6. If comfort means to dress up, put on some makeup and look your best, do that but if it means to dress down in your favorite pajamas that works too! Therapy is being your 'real' self, dress as per your comfort, and don't worry, we do not judge you.
Here are a list of optional items/things to keep in mind before that FIRST Session:
🌸Discuss if keeping the camera is a mandatory criteria for your therapist. If not, you can start with audio calls, and if/when you are comfortable, turn the cameras on.
🌸Headphones, earphones or a White Nose Machine are great tools for ensuring confidentiality and privacy in the sessions.
🌸A therapy journal can be useful to take notes, homework tasks, reflections or just for doodling. For some therapists, there will always be homework or tasks assigned to you at the end of the session, a journal or a notebook definitely helps keep it all in once place. Also, consider a digital diary, if you are sharing your space with parents/siblings/room-mates.
🌸For the distracted, uneasy humans, I see you. Starting out can be nerve-wrecking, please consider a fuzzy blanket, stress ball, fidget-spinner, paper clip to play with during the session. This will help you be grounded and focus on the session better!
Hope this list was useful, I will be back with more suggestions and tips!
Until next time
Excellent. Short and precise. Very useful for those seeking therapy. Congratulations. Keep them coming!!!